David Pressley School of Cosmetology

David Pressley School of Cosmetology

Specialty Schools in Taylor, MI

Specialty Schools

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21255 Wick Rd,
Taylor , MI 48180 UNITED STATES

About David Pressley School of Cosmetology

Help others look and feel amazing with hands on training to become a licensed cosmetologist.


David Pressley School of Cosmetology 313-291-7381
21255 Wick Rd,
Taylor , MI 48180 UNITED STATES
David Pressley School of Cosmetology 4

Based on 1 reviews

David Pressley School of Cosmetology 313-291-7381
21255 Wick Rd,
Taylor , MI 48180 UNITED STATES
4 5

good education

I disagree with the other review. as a former student myself, I feel this school was definitly worht my time and money. I left feeling prepared for the field and was able to gain my licensure and find employment in due order. I think...
posted at 02/01/10

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David Pressley School of Cosmetology
Specialty Schools
4.0 (1 reviews)
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