Eton Academy

Eton Academy

Education in Birmingham, MI

Education Elementary Schools Middle Schools & High Schools

Contact us


1755 E Melton Rd,
Birmingham , MI 48009 UNITED STATES

About Eton Academy

Eton Academy (Grades 1-12) educates students with reading, attention and other learning challenges -- building academic skills and self-confidence in an accepting and supportive environment. Eton students are each unique and remarkable. They deserve an educational experience that can say exactly the same.

This is why, at Eton Academy, we've developed the Eton Approach -- a complete system for teaching and learning at Eton Academy. It's more than curriculum, the Eton Approach is the foundation for student success. The Eton Approach blends researched-based teaching methods with an accepting environment that is nurturing, warm and kind. At Eton, we view curriculum differently. Here, curriculum encompasses everything that takes place in a student's life from the moment they step out of the car or bus that morning, to the point when they return after the school day is complete. Every one of those moments is a teachable moment, and is an important part of our curriculum.


Eton Academy 248-642-1150
1755 E Melton Rd,
Birmingham , MI 48009 UNITED STATES
Eton Academy

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Eton Academy
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Eton Academy

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