Monro Muffler Brake & Service

Monro Muffler Brake & Service

Auto Repair in Dearborn, MI

Auto Repair Gas & Service Stations Auto Parts and Accessories

Contact us


23949 Ford Road,
Dearborn , MI 48127 UNITED STATES

About Monro Muffler Brake & Service

Monro Muffler Brake & Service is your source in Dearborn, MI for complete automotive care for your vehicle. We also carry thousands of name brand tires, ready to be installed.


Monro Muffler Brake & Service 313-277-2400
23949 Ford Road,
Dearborn , MI 48127 UNITED STATES
Monro Muffler Brake & Service 4

Based on 3 reviews

Monro Muffler Brake & Service 313-277-2400
23949 Ford Road,
Dearborn , MI 48127 UNITED STATES
4 5

Great service!

When I walked in Rachel helped me right away. She told me the exact price and her crew did their job in a timely manner. Highly recommend.
posted at 06/17/11
Monro Muffler Brake & Service 313-277-2400
23949 Ford Road,
Dearborn , MI 48127 UNITED STATES
4 5

Speedy Auto Service

I went in for an oil change on a 2010 Buick Lacrosse, had a coupun for $16.95 plus $10,00 for tire rotation. My mistake was listening to Rachel the write up girl telling me she would honor the coupom for $16.95 for the oil change and not...
posted at 07/16/11
Monro Muffler Brake & Service 313-277-2400
23949 Ford Road,
Dearborn , MI 48127 UNITED STATES
4 5

Horrible customer service & business experience with SPEEDY

I called the Speedy of Troy location for a tie rod replacement on my car & was treated kind at first. As soon as the manager, Cory, came on the line, it all went SOUTH. He quoted me $15 on the labor for an oil change w/my provided oil &...
posted at 08/09/10

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Monro Muffler Brake & Service
Auto Repair
4.0 (3 reviews)
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