Mr. Muffler

Mr. Muffler

Auto Repair in Ferndale, MI

Auto Repair Auto Parts and Accessories

Contact us


1981 East 9 Mile Rd,
Ferndale , MI 48220 UNITED STATES

About Mr. Muffler

Mr. Muffler serves Ferndale, Hazel Park, and the surrounding areas as a full-service auto repair facility. From regular maintenance, such as auto tune-ups or oil changes, to major engine or transmission repairs, our mechanics will fix your vehicle the right way from the beginning.
Saving you time and money, while giving your car the expert care it deserves, remain our number one goal. We have been family-owned and operated since 1929, with ASE-Certified technicians performing all auto repairs. Whatever your vehicle needs, Mr. Muffler will help. Stop in today and visit our repair shop in Ferndale.. Mr. Muffler hopes you and your car have a smooth ride, but when trouble arises, we are always here to help!
We are also a trusted installer of Jasper Engines, ensuring you get back on the road quickly!

Submitted by:


Mr. Muffler 248-541-1300
1981 East 9 Mile Rd,
Ferndale , MI 48220 UNITED STATES
Mr. Muffler 5

Based on 9 reviews

Mr. Muffler 248-541-1300
1981 East 9 Mile Rd,
Ferndale , MI 48220 UNITED STATES
5 5


I wanted to thank you for providing excellent service during my two recent visits with my 2000 BMW M-Coupe. It was refreshing to be able to leave my car in "good hands" with an obviously well trained ...
posted at 02/15/11
Mr. Muffler 248-541-1300
1981 East 9 Mile Rd,
Ferndale , MI 48220 UNITED STATES
5 5


The service is fast. The shop is clean. They never suggest additional services that are not really needed.
posted at 02/14/11
Mr. Muffler 248-541-1300
1981 East 9 Mile Rd,
Ferndale , MI 48220 UNITED STATES
5 5


You guys have done good by me for years now! I don?t trust anyone else with my car! Thanks for always being there when I need you.
posted at 02/14/11
Mr. Muffler 248-541-1300
1981 East 9 Mile Rd,
Ferndale , MI 48220 UNITED STATES
5 5


I wanted to thank you for providing excellent service during my two recent visits with my 2000 BMW M-Coupe. It was refreshing to be able to leave my car in "good hands" with an obviously well trained mechanic and know that all the service...
posted at 02/14/11
Mr. Muffler 248-541-1300
1981 East 9 Mile Rd,
Ferndale , MI 48220 UNITED STATES
5 5

The best

Just a short note to let you know that the service that you and your staff provide in the timely repair of my personal and company vehicles is the best that I have experienced.
posted at 02/14/11
Mr. Muffler 248-541-1300
1981 East 9 Mile Rd,
Ferndale , MI 48220 UNITED STATES
5 5


I appreciate the quick, good service & the reasonable price. I?m never disappointed.
posted at 02/14/11
Mr. Muffler 248-541-1300
1981 East 9 Mile Rd,
Ferndale , MI 48220 UNITED STATES
5 5


They stayed true to their word and had our car fixed by noon the next day. They really saved the day and kept us from being stranded! I would recommend them to anyone. They were absolutely wonderful- oh, and the car is doing great now!
posted at 02/14/11
Mr. Muffler 248-541-1300
1981 East 9 Mile Rd,
Ferndale , MI 48220 UNITED STATES
5 5

Great service

Small Engine Repair Service, Small Engine Repair Service, Small Engine Repair Service, Small Engine Repair Service, Small Engine Repair Service, Small Engine Repair Service, Small Engine Repair Service, Small Engine Repair Service, Small...
posted at 02/14/11
Mr. Muffler 248-541-1300
1981 East 9 Mile Rd,
Ferndale , MI 48220 UNITED STATES
5 5


My mother brought her car in for an oil change, she said, before she sat down her car was done.
posted at 02/14/11

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Mr. Muffler
Auto Repair
5.0 (9 reviews)
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Mr. Muffler

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