Huntington Learning Center

Huntington Learning Center

Education in Perry Hall, Maryland

Education Tutoring & Test Prep

Contact us


8804 Belair Road,
Perry Hall , Maryland 21236 UNITED STATES

About Huntington Learning Center

Located in Perry Hall, Maryland, Huntington Learning Center provides individualized instruction for K-12 students in reading, math, writing and study skills tailored to each student's unique needs, academic goals, and schedule.

Our certified tutors have helped students improve their reading and math skills beyond current grade-level expectations, as well as significantly increase their ACT and SAT scores. We strive each day to provide our students with the best education possible.


Huntington Learning Center 410-256-3390
8804 Belair Road,
Perry Hall , Maryland 21236 UNITED STATES
Huntington Learning Center

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Huntington Learning Center
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reading tutoring,  math tutoring,  writing tutoring study skills
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Huntington Learning Center

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