Jim Jennings Transmissions

Jim Jennings Transmissions

Auto Repair in Essex, MD

Auto Repair

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601 Eastern Blvd,
Essex , MD 21221 UNITED STATES

About Jim Jennings Transmissions


The Jennings family team knows our reputation and our customers are our most valuable assets and protect them with everything we do. We strive to rate a 5 star review every time we have the opportunity to help someone. That means our shop promises to diagnose transmission and driveline problems accurately, honestly and efficiently. Every repair recommendation is based on "cost versus benefit" with the goal of insuring our customers have an informed opinion as to whether they should proceed with a repair. In other words.....if we don't think a repair is worth the cost, we tell our customers or provide alternative solutions. Our reputation as "the best in the industry" is based on our promise to "ALWAYS DO THE RIGHT THING".......and we have been doing "THE RIGHT THING" for our customers since 1958.


In 1950 Jim Jennings left North Wilkesboro, North Carolina at the age of 21 to go to work for the Glenn L. Martin Aircraft Company in Middle River, Maryland. As a machinist he developed the knack of working with precision equipment and instruments producing parts used in the aircraft that rolled out of the Middle River plant. During the next eight years, due to his abilities with precision machined parts, he was asked by fellow workers to help them work on their automatic transmissions. He developed a reputation as the "the guy to go to" if you needed help with an automatic transmission and eventually started a business while still working full time for Martins. His reputation and business grew rapidly and not only did his business become full-time but he hired two full-time employees. As luck would have it, Jim was invited to be the guest of Joe Eikenberg (owner of Aero Motors) for the 1958 opening of the Baltimore Orioles season. He took a rare day off because Joe told him there would be a lot of "car guys" there and it might be good for his business. As chance would have it he spent most of the day talking with the sales manager of AD Anderson Oldsmobile, Bill Kidd, who told him he was having a tough time with the transmission in a 1957 Packard. He told Jim if he could fix it he would never have to worry about having enough work. Jim came through and our family business has been doing transmission work for new car dealers in Baltimore, Baltimore County as well as Harford County since that day. Jims reputation for incredible honesty has been carried on by his sons Gary and Bill and his entire staff of 17.


Jim Jennings Transmissions 410-686-6700
601 Eastern Blvd,
Essex , MD 21221 UNITED STATES
Jim Jennings Transmissions

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