One Stop AutoRepair

One Stop AutoRepair

Auto Repair in Baltimore, MD

Auto Repair Gas & Service Stations Auto Parts and Accessories

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3419 Greenmount Avenue,
Baltimore , MD 21218 UNITED STATES

About One Stop AutoRepair

When you are in need of an affordable, high quality Baltimore, MD Auto-Repair, One Stop AutoRepair is the only place to call. We take pride in our outstanding services.


One Stop AutoRepair 888-579-8735
3419 Greenmount Avenue,
Baltimore , MD 21218 UNITED STATES
One Stop AutoRepair 1

Based on 1 reviews

One Stop AutoRepair 888-579-8735
3419 Greenmount Avenue,
Baltimore , MD 21218 UNITED STATES
1 5

Don't take your car here

Please do not take your car to one stop auto. This place is a total rip off. The owner Jerry is a peice of trash that preys on poor black people. He kept my car for 2 months, charged me 800.00 for an alternator. Called me one day and...
posted at 02/20/11

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One Stop AutoRepair
Auto Repair
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