Adventure Survivalist

Adventure Survivalist

Business Consulting and Services in Port Orange, FL

Business Consulting and Services

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2496 Tomoka Farms,
Port Orange , FL 32128 UNITED STATES

About Adventure Survivalist

We also know that one of the joys of owning an AR-15 is the pride you feel when you build it with your own two hands. So along with quality, we offer customization. You can buy each piece separately and build it all yourself, or pick out an upper kit to get a headstart on your AR-15. Even after you finish your AR-15, there are plenty of barrels, handrails, and colors for you to continue customizing them. The only thing you won’t find in our store is a generic AR-15 rifle, because when you use our parts and kits to build an AR-15, it becomes something unique and special. It becomes your own personal AR-15.



Adventure Survivalist 386-853-0085
2496 Tomoka Farms,
Port Orange , FL 32128 UNITED STATES
Adventure Survivalist

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Adventure Survivalist
Business Consulting and Services
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ar-15 gun parts,  ar-15 assault rifle,  ar-15 uppers ar-15 kits
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Adventure Survivalist

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