Tire Depot

Tire Depot

Auto Repair in Lowell, MA

Auto Repair Auto Parts and Accessories

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948 Gorham St,
Lowell , MA 01852 UNITED STATES

About Tire Depot

Tire Depot: 948 Gorham, Lowell MA 01852 and 227 Daniel Webster Highway Merrimack NH 03054. Tires, Brakes, Exhausts, Mufflers, Radiators engine Service and Repair, Lube and Oil tire Depot is a second generation family business providing quality service at a fair cost. We are part of the Bridgestone/Firestone family of tire dealers. Our staff is ASE Certified, and we have all of the latest equipment to service your car, truck, or SUV properly.We are European specialists - most are factory trained Master level or greater. Our staff are true GearHeads, involved with all types of motor sports. We also have diesel specialists on staff at both locations. We offer a FREE shuttle service to our local business clients. We perform all types of automotive services, A to Z, with the exception of paint. Cars, SUVs, Light Trucks, Agricultural Sales & Installation Performance Kits & Accessories Wheels & Custom Fabrication Brakes Tune-Ups Mufflers see the difference in service at our independently owned shop.Our location guarantees your satisfaction. Quality workmanship, a friendly professional staff and quality parts are the reasons why our customers rely on Tire Depot to protect their cars year after year.We have been a family owned and operated business for 25 years in the Lowell community. Please call as at (978) 937-5999 for additional information and setting up appointments. Awards tire Depot in Lowell Silver Certificate Award - Winner 2004, Bronze Certificate Award - Winner 2003, Platinum Certificate Award - Winner 2008, 2007, 2006,Tire Depot in Merrimack Gold Certificate Award - Winner 2003, Silver Plus Certificate Award - Winner 2004, Silver Certificate Award - Winner 2005, Platinum Certificate Award - Winner 2008, 2007, 2006.


Tire Depot 978-937-5999
948 Gorham St,
Lowell , MA 01852 UNITED STATES
Tire Depot

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Tire Depot
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Tire Depot

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