Larson's Service

Larson's Service

Auto Repair in Peabody, MA

Auto Repair Gas & Service Stations Auto Parts and Accessories

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289 Lynn St,
Peabody , MA 01960 UNITED STATES

About Larson's Service

Welcome to Larson's Service, a well respected independent automotive service shop located in Peabody Mass. We've helped hundreds of people maintain safer, more reliable vehicles. We look forward to earning your business and showing you how quick and easy it is to have Larson's Service maintain your vehicle.

Our shop specializes in preventive care and maintenance programs for both Asian and Domestic car lines. We have gained the trust of our customers by providing honest, expert automotive repair services. If we discover a problem with your vehicle, our staff will take the time to explain the problem and repair procedures. We'll help guide your decision process by answering any questions or concerns


Larson's Service 978-530-1111
289 Lynn St,
Peabody , MA 01960 UNITED STATES
Larson's Service

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Larson's Service
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Larson's Service

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