Hill's Garage

Hill's Garage

Auto Repair in Indianapolis, IN

Auto Repair

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4503 W 38th St,
Indianapolis , IN 46254 UNITED STATES

About Hill's Garage


Hill's Garage 317-291-4455
4503 W 38th St,
Indianapolis , IN 46254 UNITED STATES
Hill's Garage 4.3333333333333

Based on 3 reviews

Hill's Garage 317-291-4455
4503 W 38th St,
Indianapolis , IN 46254 UNITED STATES
4 5

Only had GREAT experiences~

Hills Garage is GREAT! Everytime I need something MAJOR done they not only take the time to explain to me what is wrong, they have always given me a fair price...and I have priced my car around before. I always end up taking my car here...
posted at 08/24/10
Hill's Garage 317-291-4455
4503 W 38th St,
Indianapolis , IN 46254 UNITED STATES
4 5

Only had GREAT experiences~

Hills Garage is GREAT! Everytime I need something MAJOR done they not only take the time to explain to me what is wrong, they have always given me a fair price...and I have priced my car around before. I always end up taking my car here...
posted at 08/23/10
Hill's Garage 317-291-4455
4503 W 38th St,
Indianapolis , IN 46254 UNITED STATES
5 5

Make them your repair shop!

We moved to Indianapolis from Lafayette, IN where we had a trusted, local mechanic do all of our work and we were sad to leave his business. Shortly after moving we had car trouble. We initially chose Hills garage because it was...
posted at 02/16/11

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Hill's Garage
Auto Repair
4.3 (3 reviews)
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