Hastings Chrysler Center

Hastings Chrysler Center

Automotive in Hastings, MN

Automotive Auto Dealers Auto Repair

Contact us


2980 Highway 61 S,
Hastings , MN 55033 UNITED STATES

About Hastings Chrysler Center

Locally owned Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge and Ram dealership Serving the Hastings and surrounding communities. Great selection of new and used vehicles with a large parts and service department for service after the sale. Our dealership vision statement.... 1. Build caring, lifelong relationships with customers, co-workers and the community 2. Develop enthusiastic advocates for our dealership 3. Based upon loyalty, compassion, integrity and trust. (teamwork) 4. Demonstrate the "Heart of a Servant" 5. Enjoy the journey together. We look forward to serving you. The team at Hastings Chrysler Center


Hastings Chrysler Center 651-346-1409
2980 Highway 61 S,
Hastings , MN 55033 UNITED STATES
Hastings Chrysler Center

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Hastings Chrysler Center

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