Limitless Auto And Diesel

Limitless Auto And Diesel

Auto Repair in Frankfort, Kentucky

Auto Repair

Contact us


100 Commerce Blvd.,
Frankfort , Kentucky 40601 UNITED STATES

About Limitless Auto And Diesel

Quite literally, we are LIMITLESS: We offer bumper-to-bumper services for your gas- or diesel-powered vehicle. We keep our training, diagnostic equipment and tools up-to-date to ensure we can properly diagnose and repair your vehicle no matter what the problem or need might be. You can trust our team to keep your vehicles well-maintained and running to their fullest potential. Of course, we do mechanical work, but also offer tires, brakes, electrical service and maintenance on all vehicles.


Limitless Auto And Diesel 502-871-5147
100 Commerce Blvd.,
Frankfort , Kentucky 40601 UNITED STATES
Limitless Auto And Diesel

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Limitless Auto And Diesel
Auto Repair
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Limitless Auto And Diesel

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