Education in Mississauga, Ontario, CA
1048 Matheson Blvd. E. Mississauga Ontario L4W 2V2,
Mississauga, Ontario ,
L4W 2V2
A pioneer in the field of acupuncture education, CCTCM provides thorough school acupuncture programs that give students the information and abilities they need to become qualified acupuncturists.
The theoretical underpinnings of acupuncture, such as the locations of acupoints and channel paths, are thoroughly taught in our school-based acupuncture programs. The goal of CCTCM's school acupuncture programs is to educate students for lucrative professions in the field.
If you are interested in pursuing a career in acupuncture, CCTCM is the ideal place to start your journey. Our school acupuncture programs offer the highest quality education and prepare you for a rewarding and fulfilling career in holistic healing.
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