Masoud Saman, MD, FACS

Masoud Saman, MD, FACS

Doctors in New York, NY


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240 Central Park S Suite 2H,
New York , NY 10019 UNITED STATES

About Masoud Saman, MD, FACS

Dr. Saman is a highly skilled and compassionate physician dedicated to providing exceptional care. With extensive training and a commitment to staying at the forefront of medical advancements, Dr. Saman ensures that every patient receives personalized and effective treatment. Known for his expertise and gentle approach, Dr. Saman has built a reputation for excellence in the field. Whether addressing complex medical conditions or offering routine care, Dr. Saman's goal is to enhance the health and well-being of each patient.


Masoud Saman, MD, FACS 332-244-3354
240 Central Park S Suite 2H,
New York , NY 10019 UNITED STATES
Masoud Saman, MD, FACS

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