Auto Repair in Rochester, New York
Auto Repair
400 Avis Street,
Rochester ,
New York
In addition to repairing and servicing your vehicle, we check your vehicle for any trouble spots letting you know if there are any possible problem areas that should be addressed before getting you safely back on the road. We'll answer any questions and make any recommendations to keep your vehicle in top-notch running condition. At Advant Automotive, we go above and beyond. That's the Advant Advantage. At Advant Automotive, we treat each vehicle like our own with the highest level of care and customer service you'll find in the Rochester, NY area. With experienced mechanics and ASC-certified master technicians, you'll feel confident knowing your vehicle is in the hands of qualified automotive specialists who are well-trained and experienced in all aspects of automotive repair. We specialize in both domestic and foreign vehicles and service all makes and models.
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