E D D Y + W O L F F

E D D Y + W O L F F

Asian Fusion Restaurants in Robina, QLD

Asian Fusion Restaurants

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44 Commerce Drive ,
Robina , QLD 4226 AUSTRALIA

About E D D Y + W O L F F

A newbie to the GC foodie scene, Eddy + Wolf is an intimate 22-seat Asian bar and restaurant cooking up delicious, modern eats in Robina. Our story of Eddy + Wolff means so much to us. Thao: I grew up on Eddy Cres, Vien: And I grew up on Wolff Cres. It's where we met and when our journey all began. This is why we created this place so we can all meet you here. Imagine a small bar in Asia, whether it be Japan or Hong Kong. Off the beaten track meaning somewhere where you wouldn’t think you’d find us. A place you’d step into and feel like it’s not something that’s on the Gold Coast.

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E D D Y + W O L F F 04 8183 8433
44 Commerce Drive ,
Robina , QLD 4226 AUSTRALIA
E D D Y + W O L F F

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E D D Y + W O L F F
Asian Fusion Restaurants
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asian fusion restaurants
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E D D Y + W O L F F

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