mU Greens and Greens

mU Greens and Greens

Health Food Stores in Bengaluru, Karnataka

Health Food Stores

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35, 2nd Cross Rd, Nagashetty Halli, R.M.V. 2nd Stage,
Bengaluru , Karnataka 560094 INDIA

About mU Greens and Greens

We are an urban farm producing the freshest and most nutrient-dense wheatgrass, microgreens and sprouts grown organically and deliver them to your home in Bangalore. Our location: Nagashetty halli and Doddanekundi. Buy online or call us to get home delivery. Add MICROGREENS to your diet for a healthy life and to enhance immunity. Consuming Wheatgrass, sprouts, edible flowers, and "MICROGREENS" may have various health benefits. We help you learn how to grow microgreens in our "Microgreens Training Program" “Growing microgreens at home”. Microgreens Masterclass. We sell trays, and seeds, and share recipe ideas. Explore our Health food store, farm shop, organic shop, and grocery shop to buy sunflower, radish, mustard peas, Broccoli microgreens


mU Greens and Greens 09741536972
35, 2nd Cross Rd, Nagashetty Halli, R.M.V. 2nd Stage,
Bengaluru , Karnataka 560094 INDIA
mU Greens and Greens

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mU Greens and Greens
Health Food Stores
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microgreens bangalore,  wheatgrass bangalore,  microgreens business in india microgreens training program
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mU Greens and Greens

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