Topel's Service Center

Topel's Service Center

Auto Repair in Lake Mills, WI

Auto Repair

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1110 S Main St,
Lake Mills , WI 53551 UNITED STATES

About Topel's Service Center

Welcome to Topel's Service Center! Since 1948, we've been your trusted partner for automotive solutions. From humble beginnings as a family farm repair facility, we've evolved into a leading service center. With a state-of-the-art facility, personalized service, and a focus on innovation, we're here to ensure safe, reliable vehicles while reducing environmental impact. Our core values of trust, transparency, and integrity guide us in offering diagnostics, repairs, maintenance, and 24/7 towing services. Specializing in advanced diagnostics and utilizing cutting-edge technology, we tailor our services to your needs. We're your automotive solution, dedicated to shaping the future of automotive service.


Topel's Service Center 920-648-8115
1110 S Main St,
Lake Mills , WI 53551 UNITED STATES
Topel's Service Center

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Topel's Service Center
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Topel's Service Center

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