Seyed Mahmoudi, MD

Seyed Mahmoudi, MD

Doctors in Grand Forks, ND


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1200 S. Columbia Rd.,
Grand Forks , ND 58201 UNITED STATES

About Seyed Mahmoudi, MD

Seyed Mahmoudi, MD, is a pediatric hospitalist, caring for children and adolescents who are hospitalized due to various reasons. Dr Mahmoudi prides himself on providing the highest level of care for children while they stay in the hospital and detailed communication with a child's primary care provider regarding instruction for continued care after the hospital stay is complete. Dr Mahmoudi is motivated by the smile on the face of his patients and families. Outside of medicine, he is interested in learning new things, painting, calligraphy and photography. Dr Mahmoudi enjoys traveling, learning about people, their culture and lifestyles. He is a sports fan with an interest in basketball and soccer. He plays table tennis and loves to swim.


Seyed Mahmoudi, MD


Seyed Mahmoudi, MD 701-780-5000
1200 S. Columbia Rd.,
Grand Forks , ND 58201 UNITED STATES
Seyed Mahmoudi, MD

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