Victory Outreach Church Southeast Chicago

Victory Outreach Church Southeast Chicago

Religious Organizations in Chicago, IL

Religious Organizations Churches Charities and Charitable Foundations

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8832 S Commercial Ave,
Chicago , IL 60617 UNITED STATES

About Victory Outreach Church Southeast Chicago

Victory Outreach Southeast Chicago is a Christian ministry where families are restored and the call of God is felt. Based in Chicago, Illinois, we are a church where you and your family can get involved. We offer a wide range of ministries, including L.I.F.E groups, youth ministries, and men and women recovery programs. At our church, we provide a supportive, nonjudgmental atmosphere that encourages people to come just as they are. Newcomers always feel welcomed and valued as a child of God and part of our family. We would love for you to visit us.


Victory Outreach Church Southeast Chicago 773-568-1785
8832 S Commercial Ave,
Chicago , IL 60617 UNITED STATES
Victory Outreach Church Southeast Chicago

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Victory Outreach Church Southeast Chicago
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Victory Outreach Church Southeast Chicago

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