Strong U Holbrook

Strong U Holbrook

Fitness & Instruction in Holbrook, New York

Fitness & Instruction

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386 Furrows Rd, Holbrook, NY 11741,
Holbrook , New York 11741 UNITED STATES

About Strong U Holbrook

Transform Your Fitness Journey with Strong University At Strong University, we guarantee to deliver 50% better results in just half the time compared to standard fitness routines. Whether your goal is to lose weight or simply feel better, we have you covered. Our Master Trainers boast an impressive combined experience of 70 years in the fitness industry. For those seeking an exclusive fitness experience, our 1-on-1 training is tailor-made for you. Utilizing the PHIT (Progressive/Hybrid/Interval/Training) method, you will get personalized attention, making your fitness goals more attainable than ever before. Join Strong University today and experience the difference!


Strong U Holbrook 631-623-7700
386 Furrows Rd, Holbrook, NY 11741,
Holbrook , New York 11741 UNITED STATES
Strong U Holbrook

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Strong U Holbrook
Fitness & Instruction
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24 hour fitness center,  24 hour fitness gym
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Strong U Holbrook

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