Dakota Trauma Therapy, PLLC

Dakota Trauma Therapy, PLLC

Counseling & Mental Health in Bismarck, ND

Counseling & Mental Health

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3000 North 14th Street, Suite 3A
Bismarck , ND 58503 UNITED STATES

About Dakota Trauma Therapy, PLLC

Dr. Brooks has been a provider of neuropsychological and psychological services for more than 30 years. He has offered a number of services, including neuropsychological assessment, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy, talk therapy, and pre-surgical psychological assessments. Dr. Brooks has a passion for assisting traumatized and distressed patients in their healing.


Dakota Trauma Therapy, PLLC 701-401-5342
3000 North 14th Street, Suite 3A
Bismarck , ND 58503 UNITED STATES
Dakota Trauma Therapy, PLLC

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Dakota Trauma Therapy, PLLC
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Dakota Trauma Therapy, PLLC

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