The Persian Lady

The Persian Lady

Pets in Atlanta, GA


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1441 Woodmont Lane NW, #697
Atlanta , GA 30318 UNITED STATES

About The Persian Lady

The Persian is an ancient breed of cat and, as with other ancient breeds, her history is a bit clouded. Longhaired cats were in Italy in the 1500s. These cats were imported from Asia. In the 17th century, Pietro della Valle brought a cat from Persia to Italy to add to the breeding program. This cat may well have been a cat known in Persia as the Sand Cat, a cat who lived in the desert. This Sand Cat had a woolly coat, much like a steel soap pad, to protect her from the environment and permit her to live in the sand.

About a hundred years later, Nicolas de Pereisc acquired some longhaired cats. These cats came from Turkey, which is also the home to the Turkish angora, a different breed of longhaired cat. In the 19th century, the descendants of these Turkish cats were bred with some of the cats from Italy, and that was the beginning of the modern Persian. Although this breed is ancient, it is also man made.

The popularity of the Persian was enhanced when Queen Victoria and other royals fell in love with this stunning breed. They were introduced into the United States at the end of the 19th century, where they were soon popular.


The Persian Lady 707-209-2212
1441 Woodmont Lane NW, #697
Atlanta , GA 30318 UNITED STATES
The Persian Lady

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