KK's Loans Music & Jewelry

KK's Loans Music & Jewelry

Shopping in Manchester, Tennessee

Shopping Music Stores Jewelry

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809 Hillsboro Blvd,
Manchester , Tennessee 37355 UNITED STATES

About KK's Loans Music & Jewelry

KK’s was started in March 1978 by Kenneth Keith Huddleston Sr. Kenneth Wallace Haley was KK’s first employee and Manager of the 777 Raven Street Location. At first, the store was referred to as The Double K Pawn Shop referring to KK Huddleston and Kenneth Haley. After an early retirement at the age of 55, KK invested his life pension in the business and built the current store in 1982 which is located at 809 Hillsboro Blvd, Manchester, TN.


KK's Loans Music & Jewelry 931-728-4242
809 Hillsboro Blvd,
Manchester , Tennessee 37355 UNITED STATES
KK's Loans Music & Jewelry

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KK's Loans Music & Jewelry
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KK's Loans Music & Jewelry

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