Max Media Academy

Max Media Academy

Tutoring & Test Prep in Surat, Gujarat

Tutoring & Test Prep Private Schools

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3rd Floor, 328, Tulsi Arcade, , Near Tulsi Residency, Sudama Chowk, Mota Varachha,
Surat , Gujarat 394101 INDIA

About Max Media Academy

Maxmedia Academy is a premier photography institute in Surat, Gujarat. We offer a wide variety of courses in photography such as digital imaging and photography, art history, digital photography and macromedia Photoshop. Students can enroll for a course and learn to capture their own vision through the lens of a camera so that they have the right skills to create their own images. Maxmedia Academy is a Pioneer in the field of multimedia. We believe in action, progress, and growth. The young startup has achieved several milestones in its active years till now, but nothing keeps us from seeking more and more. Since more and more people seem to connect with us for a great professional career in multimedia & graphics, We aim to break our own record by training more professionally.


Max Media Academy 9978445673
3rd Floor, 328, Tulsi Arcade, , Near Tulsi Residency, Sudama Chowk, Mota Varachha,
Surat , Gujarat 394101 INDIA
Max Media Academy

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Company name
Max Media Academy
Tutoring & Test Prep
Not Rated
birth photography,  art photography,  baby photography corporate and commercial photography
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Max Media Academy

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