Bid Them Come

Bid Them Come

Business To Business in Toronto, On

Business To Business

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2967 Dundas St. W. #546D,
Toronto , On M6P 1Z2 CANADA

About Bid Them Come

Bid Them Come was founded by Vincent Bioseh, a passionate husband, father, active soul winner, speaker, and author of the renowned Christian book, "The 21st Century Soul Winner." Vincent's expertise and dedication to spreading the Gospel have inspired him to create a comprehensive training program that addresses the specific challenges faced by believers in sharing their faith.


Bid Them Come 647-948-9347
2967 Dundas St. W. #546D,
Toronto , On M6P 1Z2 CANADA
Bid Them Come

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Bid Them Come
Business To Business
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soul winning training,  evangelism training,  christian witnessing soul winning
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Bid Them Come

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