Liaise - Applelea - Basingstoke

Liaise - Applelea - Basingstoke

Assisted Living Facilities in Basingstoke, Hampshire

Assisted Living Facilities

Contact us


The Harrow Way,
Basingstoke , Hampshire RG22 4BB UNITED KINGDOM

About Liaise - Applelea - Basingstoke

Applelea is a small residential home for four individual adults. We are located in the Brighton Hill area of Basingstoke. The individuals who live in Applelea are on the autistic spectrum, have severe learning difficulties and have sensory and communication difficulties. The needs of these individuals are complex, and they exhibit challenging and restrictive behaviours.


Liaise - Applelea - Basingstoke 01256 555706
The Harrow Way,
Basingstoke , Hampshire RG22 4BB UNITED KINGDOM
Liaise - Applelea - Basingstoke

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Liaise - Applelea - Basingstoke
Assisted Living Facilities
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Liaise - Applelea - Basingstoke

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