Oak Street Health Center Point Primary Care Clinic

Oak Street Health Center Point Primary Care Clinic

Hospitals and Medical Centers in Birmingham, Alabama

Hospitals and Medical Centers

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1687 Center Point Pkwy, 121
Birmingham , Alabama 35215 UNITED STATES

About Oak Street Health Center Point Primary Care Clinic

At Oak Street Health, our doctors and physicians take the time to get to know you and your needs. We can help you get the most out of your Medicare coverage, set up mail-order prescriptions, and coordinate health care services such as specialist appointments and social services. Our care teams develop personalized preventive care plans to help you achieve your physical and mental health goals. Schedule an in-person, phone, or video visit today.


Oak Street Health Center Point Primary Care Clinic 205-557-7022
1687 Center Point Pkwy, 121
Birmingham , Alabama 35215 UNITED STATES
Oak Street Health Center Point Primary Care Clinic

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Oak Street Health Center Point Primary Care Clinic
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Oak Street Health Center Point Primary Care Clinic

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