Da Vinci Waldorf School

Da Vinci Waldorf School

Middle Schools & High Schools in Wauconda, IL

Middle Schools & High Schools Schools Private Schools

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150 W Bonner Rd,
Wauconda , IL 60084 UNITED STATES

About Da Vinci Waldorf School

The Da Vinci Waldorf School located in Wauconda, Illinois provides an independent & inclusive Waldorf education from Pre-Kindergarten through 8th Grade. Children flourish when given an inspired education that allows them to grow up balanced, confident, and able to think for themselves.


Da Vinci Waldorf School 847-526-1372
150 W Bonner Rd,
Wauconda , IL 60084 UNITED STATES
Da Vinci Waldorf School 3

Based on 2 reviews

Da Vinci Waldorf School 847-526-1372
150 W Bonner Rd,
Wauconda , IL 60084 UNITED STATES
1 5

Awful experience

Waldorf education can be wonderful! As with every type of education, there are amazing Waldorf schools and there are terrible schools. Our experience with this school was awful. The programs are not what you would expect for the price of...
posted at 04/17/11
Da Vinci Waldorf School 847-526-1372
150 W Bonner Rd,
Wauconda , IL 60084 UNITED STATES
5 5

What our children need today

If I could go back to school, this is where I want to go. At a Waldorf school the true nature of a child is nurtured and able to shine from preschool into 8th grade. One look at the preschool tells you how different the pace of life is...
posted at 04/18/11

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Da Vinci Waldorf School
Middle Schools & High Schools
3.0 (2 reviews)
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Da Vinci Waldorf School

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