Altigreen Dealer Kolkata - Celica motorbikes

Altigreen Dealer Kolkata - Celica motorbikes

Auto Dealers in Kolkata, West Bengal

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M.A.R. 1111, New Town, Jatragachhi, Rajarhat,
Kolkata , West Bengal 700157 INDIA

About Altigreen Dealer Kolkata - Celica motorbikes

Founded in 2013, Altigreen designs, engineers, and produces the most advanced Electric Vehicles for the last-mile transportation segment. Altigreen’s industry-leading Made in India / Made for India products are specifically designed for extremes prevalent in the Indian environment, road conditions, and driving behavior.

Altigreen’s technology results in 3W Electric Vehicles that compete in performance with Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) vehicles. Headquartered with a factory in Bangalore, and with regional footprints across India, the company’s patent portfolio spans over 60 countries with 26 patents granted, including 6 in the US


Altigreen Dealer Kolkata - Celica motorbikes 9007067422
M.A.R. 1111, New Town, Jatragachhi, Rajarhat,
Kolkata , West Bengal 700157 INDIA
Altigreen Dealer Kolkata - Celica motorbikes

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Altigreen Dealer Kolkata - Celica motorbikes
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Altigreen Dealer Kolkata - Celica motorbikes

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