European Therapy Center

European Therapy Center

Doctors in Palatine, IL

Doctors Massage Therapy Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation

Contact us


800 E Northwest Hwy, # 940
Palatine , IL 60074 UNITED STATES

About European Therapy Center

We are functional manual physical therapists trained to provide each of our patients with the most effective, state-of-the-art manual physical therapy treatment available today. We treat all aspects of body movement in order to make your movement efficient. We define efficient movement as movement that is free of pain and fulfills any need you may have for enhanced physical activity. Efficient movement is beautiful, effortless, and pleasant to watch-it is soft and precise. Anyone can benefit from our help! We can help you return to your normal level of activity enjoyed prior to an acute illness or injury, or simply to recover from back spasms or severe pain by helping your body remember its ability to move efficiently. Moreover, we can help you improve physical activity that is highly demanding, thus enhancing an athletes performance in sports. In addition to short-term treatment we work with athletes to help create a strategy to keep your body moving efficiently.

Simply stated, we want you toEnjoy the change!


European Therapy Center 847-221-2222
800 E Northwest Hwy, # 940
Palatine , IL 60074 UNITED STATES
European Therapy Center

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