Kristen Budahn, MD

Kristen Budahn, MD

Doctors in Glencoe, MN


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1805 Hennepin Ave N,
Glencoe , MN 55336 UNITED STATES

About Kristen Budahn, MD

Dr. Budahn is a family medicine provider and a hospialist who provides diagnosis and treatment for a wide range of acute illnesses and chronic conditions that can occur in patients of all ages. She has advanced training to care for women during pregnancy, assist with water births, and perform C-section deliveries. She also has a special interests in dermatology, sports medicine, and helping older patients stay as active as possible.


Kristen Budahn, MD 320-864-3121
1805 Hennepin Ave N,
Glencoe , MN 55336 UNITED STATES
Kristen Budahn, MD

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