Counseling & Mental Health in Chicago, IL
Counseling & Mental Health
122 S Michigan Ave,
Chicago ,
Ann Kaplan, PHD is a clinical psychologist practicing in Chicago, IL since 1983. Dr. Ann Kaplan has 32 years of training and experience providing psychotherapy to adults, adolescents and couples. She strives to help people who are struggling with concerns such as depression, anxiety, martial and family problems, just to name a few. Dr Kaplan believes that therapy is the most effective when both the psychologist and the client are working together to increase insight and to identify realistic goals as well as the most helpful means of reaching those goals. So expect nothing but dedication from Ann Kaplan, PHD. For more information or to make an appointment please call us at (312) 461-0866.
We also have second office located in 15 Salt Creek Lane # 401 Hinsdale, IL 60521 for your convenience.
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