Collins Chiropractic & Wellness Center

Collins Chiropractic & Wellness Center

Chiropractors in Mount Prospect, Illinois


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1772 W Golf Rd,
Mount Prospect , Illinois 60056 UNITED STATES

About Collins Chiropractic & Wellness Center

We encourage you to explore the many possibilities offered through the natural benefits of alternative healthcare, without the use of potentially harmful surgery or the side effects of prescription medications. Chiropractic care is the logical first choice for neck and back pain. Why subject yourself to invasive treatment like drugs or surgery when your problem may be as simple as a pinched nerve caused by a muscle strain or a misaligned vertebra? Dr. Jeffrey Collins has been in private practice for 35 years in the northwest suburbs. His 'whole person' approach is unique in that he offers natural corrective solutions to many complex problems by discovering the root cause of the patient's complaint. He not only diagnoses and treats patients' conditions but also teaches how to become more self-reliant so you know what it takes to stay well.



Collins Chiropractic & Wellness Center 847-357-0001
1772 W Golf Rd,
Mount Prospect , Illinois 60056 UNITED STATES
Collins Chiropractic & Wellness Center

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Collins Chiropractic & Wellness Center
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chiropractor,  weight loss,  nutritional counseling orthotics
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