Dentists in Skokie, IL
3901 Howard St,
Skokie ,
Susan Becker Doroshow, DDS is a general dentist in Skokie, IL. With our dental practice, you can experience, comprehensive dental care, from modern preventive treatment in cosmetic dentistry. Our office is a cheerful and relaxed place where adults and children feel welcomed. Whether you have an unsightly filling you want replaced, need a professional cleaning and evaluation, want to discuss tooth replacement possibilities, or would like whiter teeth, our office can meet your needs. Unhappy with your smile? Let's discuss the many options available to you! Our services include: customized cosmetic solutions, implant restorations, preventative care and sealants, veneers and crowns, and teeth cleaning. Why not call Dr. Doroshow today and be on your way to a lifetime of beautiful, confident, and healthy smiles? We look forward to welcoming you to our practice family!
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