Yera International Shreno ltd

Yera International Shreno ltd

Business To Business in Vadodara, Gujarat

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85G7+CG7, Glass Division, Alembic Road, Gorwa
Vadodara , Gujarat 390016 INDIA

About Yera International Shreno ltd

YERA (The Glass Division of Shreno Ltd. (formerly known as Alembic Glass Industries)

Founded in 1907, Alembic is amongst one of the oldest industrial houses in India. Alembic group is acknowledged for its pioneering role in the development of diverse industrial verticals over the past 113 years. The flagship company of the Alembic group is the oldest pharmaceuticals company in India today.

The glass business of the Alembic group was set as a result of historical necessity. India’s entire requirement of glass bottles was being met by imports from Europe. The Second World War caused an abrupt break in the supply chain. As a result, Alembic had no bottles to package its pharmaceutical products in and the entire pharmaceuticals business was in jeopardy.

The supply chain disruption from Europe led to experiments, within Alembic, to manufacture glass bottles in 1943. After getting it right, Alembic Glass Industries Ltd. was incorporated as a separate company in 1944. The name of the company was changed to Shreno Ltd. in 2005 to differentiate its identity from the group’s pharmaceuticals business.


Yera International Shreno ltd 9427181801
85G7+CG7, Glass Division, Alembic Road, Gorwa
Vadodara , Gujarat 390016 INDIA
Yera International Shreno ltd

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Yera International Shreno ltd
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Yera International Shreno ltd

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