Al Khan Restaurant

Al Khan Restaurant

Restaurants in Lahore, Thokar Niaz Baig chowk, Raiwind Rd, Block B Judicial Colony, Lahore

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Thokar Niaz Baig chowk, Rewind Rd, Block B Judicial Colony, Lahore,
Lahore , Thokar Niaz Baig chowk, Raiwind Rd, Block B Judicial Colony, Lahore 54000 PAKISTAN

About Al Khan Restaurant

"Starting of humble beginning from Shahdra in 1991, Al-Khan Restaurant has earned its name as one of finest restaurant of the city. Our Restaurants is situated in the exotic locations of the city which embodies the beautiful ambience with the warmth of traditional cooking & cutting edge modern approach to dining that utilizes the best ingredients and genuine hospitality which is a hallmark of Al-Khan Restaurant. With our unique approach to service and dining, options we believe in the concept that our customers deserve a personalized gastronomic experience. That’s why people mark our restaurant as a perfect place for an impromptu get-together with friends and family. We strive to provide you extraordinary culinary experience, an unforgettable time.


Al Khan Restaurant 03481118811
Thokar Niaz Baig chowk, Rewind Rd, Block B Judicial Colony, Lahore,
Lahore , Thokar Niaz Baig chowk, Raiwind Rd, Block B Judicial Colony, Lahore 54000 PAKISTAN
Al Khan Restaurant

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Al Khan Restaurant
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Al Khan Restaurant

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