DUI Counseling Centers

DUI Counseling Centers

Counseling & Mental Health in Chicago, IL

Counseling & Mental Health

Contact us


3411 W. Diversey, STE #15,
Chicago , IL 60647 UNITED STATES

About DUI Counseling Centers

Since 1989, the DUI Counseling Centers has been Chicagoland’s largest network for providing affordable Illinois DUI Evaluations, Alcohol and Drug Assessments, Risk Education, Treatment, Aftercare, and Documentation for Secretary of State Hearings. Some call it “dui classes, dui school or dui treatment”. We call it DUI Counseling!


DUI Counseling Centers 773-289-4841
3411 W. Diversey, STE #15,
Chicago , IL 60647 UNITED STATES
DUI Counseling Centers

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Company name
DUI Counseling Centers
Counseling & Mental Health
Not Rated
dui classes chicago logan square,  secretary of state approved dui evaluations
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DUI Counseling Centers

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