On The Premises Dry Cleaners, Laundrette, Tailors, Alterations, Ironing & Rug Cleaning

On The Premises Dry Cleaners, Laundrette, Tailors, Alterations, Ironing & Rug Cleaning

Dry Cleaning & Laundry in Croydon, England

Dry Cleaning & Laundry

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32 Saint George's Walk,
Croydon , England CR0 1YJ UNITED KINGDOM

About On The Premises Dry Cleaners, Laundrette, Tailors, Alterations, Ironing & Rug Cleaning

St George's Walk Dry Cleaners was established in 2000 and provides specialist cleaning and alteration services for a full range of clothing. Our services include ironing, dry cleaning, wedding dress alterations / cleaning, shoe repair, shirt servicing, and alterations and repairs. We can also handle specific garments designed for active wear such as motorcycling.


On The Premises Dry Cleaners, Laundrette, Tailors, Alterations, Ironing & Rug Cleaning 020 86884030
32 Saint George's Walk,
Croydon , England CR0 1YJ UNITED KINGDOM
On The Premises Dry Cleaners, Laundrette, Tailors, Alterations, Ironing & Rug Cleaning

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On The Premises Dry Cleaners, Laundrette, Tailors, Alterations, Ironing & Rug Cleaning
Dry Cleaning & Laundry
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dry cleaners and laundry
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On The Premises Dry Cleaners, Laundrette, Tailors, Alterations, Ironing & Rug Cleaning

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