Dr .Sneha Mehta's Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Clinic

Dr .Sneha Mehta's Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Clinic

Beauty & Spas in Mumbai, Maharashtra

Beauty & Spas Counseling & Mental Health Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation

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203, Rainbow Chambers, SV Rd, opp. Red Indian Restaurant, above Paradise Showroom, Kandivali, Kandivali Police Line, Poisar, Kandivali West, ,
Mumbai , Maharashtra 400067 INDIA

About Dr .Sneha Mehta's Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Clinic

Dr.Sneha Mehta's Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation clinic promises to provide the multi disciplinary integrated quality care to the patients. We place a high value on patient satisfaction, professionalism, reliability and personal attention to every patient. We create each patient’s treatment plan through careful listening, observation and clinical analysis.
We have a team of qualified and experienced physiotherapists that provide pre and post-operative physiotherapeutic intervention to the patients. We also have comprehensive outpatient centre that provides the best and reliable rehabilitation services to the people of all age groups.


Dr .Sneha Mehta's Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Clinic 09867662228
203, Rainbow Chambers, SV Rd, opp. Red Indian Restaurant, above Paradise Showroom, Kandivali, Kandivali Police Line, Poisar, Kandivali West, ,
Mumbai , Maharashtra 400067 INDIA
Dr .Sneha Mehta's Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Clinic

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Dr .Sneha Mehta's Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Clinic
Beauty & Spas
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physiotherapy,  physical therapy and rehabilitation
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Dr .Sneha Mehta's Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Clinic

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