Sheils Used Cars

Sheils Used Cars

Automotive in Headford Rd, Galway


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Sheils Motorpark,
Headford Rd , Galway H91 X7PD IRELAND

About Sheils Used Cars

Sheils used cars provide a wide selection of quality used cars from top brands such as Ford, MG, and Honda. Sheils used cars are quality and all covered by warranty. They have over 350 quality used vehicles so there is plenty to choose from and something for everyone. Sheils motor group operates in Ennis, Limerick, and Galway. Their main goal is to provide valued customers with the finest quality vehicles backed up by their fantastic reputation, attention to detail, and customer service. Their exceptional sales team is ready to answer any questions you may have regarding their products and prices. Call into their showrooms today for the best vehicles on the market.


Sheils Used Cars 091741100
Sheils Motorpark,
Headford Rd , Galway H91 X7PD IRELAND
Sheils Used Cars

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Sheils Used Cars
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