Campus Dentists

Campus Dentists

Dentists in Vancouver, British Columbia


Contact us


5958 Webber Lane, Unit 4,
Vancouver , British Columbia V6S 0J9 CANADA

About Campus Dentists

Campus Dentists & Chiropractic is a modern office located on the second floor of the Village Square building, across the street from The Wesbrook Community Centre. Our focus is to provide general and specialized dentistry to UBC students, residents, employees, and faculty in a warm and friendly environment. Weu2019re a sister clinic to the long-established and much-loved Wesbrook Village Dental Centre, and will provide the same great care that youu2019ve come to expect at that clinic.


Campus Dentists 604-559-5781
5958 Webber Lane, Unit 4,
Vancouver , British Columbia V6S 0J9 CANADA
Campus Dentists

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Campus Dentists
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general dentistry,  cosmetic dentistry,  restorative dentistry family dentist
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Campus Dentists

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