Highland Village Pet Hospital

Highland Village Pet Hospital

Veterinarians in Highland, CA


Contact us


7257 Boulder Ave,
Highland , CA 92346 UNITED STATES

About Highland Village Pet Hospital

You can rest easily when you bring your pet to our expert veterinarians. We offer state-of-the-art equipment and a compassionate, caring team.


Highland Village Pet Hospital 909-864-7387
7257 Boulder Ave,
Highland , CA 92346 UNITED STATES
Highland Village Pet Hospital 5

Based on 1 reviews

Highland Village Pet Hospital 909-864-7387
7257 Boulder Ave,
Highland , CA 92346 UNITED STATES
5 5

HVPH has taken care of my family's pets for several years and we are glad they are there. They have kept my dog able to walk, saved my cat with emergency surgery, and kept my other cats and dogs healthy for years.
posted at 05/25/09

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Highland Village Pet Hospital
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Highland Village Pet Hospital

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