Mitchell Daugherty, MD - Beacon Bone & Joint Specialists Navarre

Mitchell Daugherty, MD - Beacon Bone & Joint Specialists Navarre

Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation in South Bend, IN

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  • Sports Medicine


100 Navarre Place, Suite 4440
South Bend , IN 46601 UNITED STATES

About Mitchell Daugherty, MD - Beacon Bone & Joint Specialists Navarre

About Dr. Daugherty

He doesn’t remember a specific moment he decided to become a doctor. But Dr. Mitchell E. Daugherty has been around medicine his entire life; his mother and sister are both nurses. “I thought I would enjoy practicing medicine, so I made it my personal goal, and I stuck with it. My love of science classes along with volunteer work in local physician offices and hospitals helped solidify this decision.”

To achieve this goal, Dr. Daugherty pursued his medical degree at the University of Illinois College of Medicine in Rockford after receiving his bachelor of science at the University of Illinois in Urbana. He completed his Family Medicine Residency at Memorial Hospital in South Bend and his Primary Care Sports Medicine Fellowship at The Ohio State University.

The most important knowledge for Dr. Daugherty came from outside of school. “I learned medicine from textbooks and teachers, but I’ve learned how to be a good physician from my patients. No two patients are the same, and they don’t often follow the textbook presentation.”

He uses this knowledge when treating patients. “I see patients of all ages for their primary care needs, but I also have a specialized interest in treating acute and chronic musculoskeletal injuries and guiding patients to maintain a physically active lifestyle,” he says. “As a sports medicine physician, I will always push to keep you mobile, active and exercising throughout your entire life.”

As for what Dr. Daugherty hopes patients learn from him? “Each patient’s question and concern is important, and it is an honor and a privilege to be a part of their health care team and help them achieve a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle.”

In his own words
Who is or was the most influential person/role model in your life? My parents. I have been blessed with wonderful role models who have helped me get to where I am today, and I work hard each day to emulate their values.

What was your first job growing up? Detailing cars at a local car dealership. It was hard work but a great job starting out.  You would not believe how dirty some of the trade-ins are before they go out on the lot.

If you could sit down to dinner with anyone (alive or deceased) who would it be and why? My great-grandpa Hess whom I was named after. I always have heard stories about what a great man he was, and I wish I had the chance to get to know him.

In addition to medicine, what are you passionate about?  What are your hobbies, interests? Hunting, fishing, getting out and enjoying the great outdoors. Running, cycling, sand volleyball. St. Louis Cardinals baseball. Fighting Illini and Ohio State Buckeye sports.


  • Beacon Health System



Mitchell Daugherty, MD - Beacon Bone & Joint Specialists Navarre Mitchell Daugherty, MD - Beacon Bone & Joint Specialists Navarre


Mitchell Daugherty, MD - Beacon Bone & Joint Specialists Navarre 574-647-5300
100 Navarre Place, Suite 4440
South Bend , IN 46601 UNITED STATES
Mitchell Daugherty, MD - Beacon Bone & Joint Specialists Navarre

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Mitchell Daugherty, MD - Beacon Bone & Joint Specialists Navarre
Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation
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adolescents,  adults,  family doctor loose body in the knee

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Mitchell Daugherty, MD - Beacon Bone & Joint Specialists Navarre

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