GTB National College Dakha

GTB National College Dakha

Colleges & Universities in Ludhiana,

Colleges & Universities

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V&PO Dakha, Ludhiana, Punjab 141102,
Ludhiana , INDIA

About GTB National College Dakha

GTB National College is a 50 year old institution situated at a distance of 10 kms from Ludhiana octroi post on Ludhiana Ferozepur Road. It is affiliated to Panjab University Chandigarh, recognized by UGC and accredited by NAAC. It runs commerce courses such as BCom ( with honours) and MCom, humanities or arts courses such as BA with skill oriented options and MA, computer course such as PGDCA.


GTB National College Dakha 9501010794
V&PO Dakha, Ludhiana, Punjab 141102,
Ludhiana , INDIA
GTB National College Dakha

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GTB National College Dakha
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GTB National College Dakha

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