Chapel of the Valley

Chapel of the Valley

Funeral Homes & Directors in East Wenatchee, WA

Funeral Homes & Directors

Contact us


378 Eastmont Ave,
East Wenatchee , WA 98802 UNITED STATES

About Chapel of the Valley

Chapel of the Valley is your local funeral home. Chapel of the Valley offers pre-planning, funeral, and cremation services. Chapel of the Valley offers professional guidance and personal and specialized attention before, during, and after the loss of a loved one. Chapel of the Valley is proud to embrace traditional values, diversity, and innovation in honoring the spirit and life of each person we serve. Give Chapel of the Valley a call today!


Chapel of the Valley 509-884-3561
378 Eastmont Ave,
East Wenatchee , WA 98802 UNITED STATES
Chapel of the Valley

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Chapel of the Valley
Funeral Homes & Directors
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Chapel of the Valley

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