Auto Repair in Brisbane, QLD
Auto Repair
11 Bishop Street, Kelvin Grove,
Brisbane ,
We are not your typical mechanics garage, it is the hospital for sick cars. We know that one of the biggest fears people have with services is not knowing what has happened or if you can trust what you are being told. People are scared of getting ripped off by dodgy mechanics. We take away the risk of not knowing by showing and educating you (in human terms) about your car so you can understand exactly what we do. We help you feel confident leaving your car in the hands of our mechanical surgeons.
This friendly family-owned business is no ordinary mechanics garage, there are many services on offer ranging from major car services and roadworthy certificates to all car repairs. But this is not the only thing that impresses our customers, our quality, experienced mechanics and excellent customer service is so refreshing, you won’t even think you are in a mechanics garage. The customer service is second to none!
Keywords : Mechanic Kelvin Grove, Car Service Kelvin Grove, Mechanic Brisbane, Car Service Brisbane
Hour : Monday-Sunday:8am–5pm
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