Goodrich & Geist

Goodrich & Geist

Lawyers and Law Firms in Pittsburgh, PA

Lawyers and Law Firms

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429 Fourth Avenue Suite 900a,
Pittsburgh , PA 15219 UNITED STATES

About Goodrich & Geist

Pittsburgh personal Injury Lawyers. At Goodrich & Geist, we believe those injured by the negligent acts of others deserve compensation. We do everything we can to make sure those injured receive financial help for medical bills, rehabilitation costs, lost wages and others.We also believe in making sure others don’t suffer the same fate. Each case we negotiate with opposing counsel traditionally involves a request for safety measures to prevent such an incident from reoccurring. We are also proactive and support organizations such as MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving).


Goodrich & Geist 412-538-6391
429 Fourth Avenue Suite 900a,
Pittsburgh , PA 15219 UNITED STATES
Goodrich & Geist

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