Law and Courts in Redfern, NSW
Law and Courts
162 Redfern St,
Redfern ,
Need a Redfern Personal Injury Lawyer? We know that legal action can sometimes be overwhelming. We are a law firm dedicated to providing you help in clear language that you can understand. If you don't feel like you understand your options, just ask our friendly lawyers, and we will work to find an explanation that works for you.
The first step is for our law firm to work with you to come up with a plan to get the results you need. We work with you to ascertain a thorough analysis of your circumstances, and using our deep understanding of the law, help craft a path to success.
Whether you have been injured at work, in a motor vehicle accident, or through some third party negligence, we are happy to discuss the different options and relevant issues for you to consider before embarking on your legal journey to recovery.
And unlike large firms which offer an impersonal service, emphasising billable hours over efficiency, our major point of difference is a streamlined experience which relies on our direct, clear and open dialogue and the accountability this brings.
Contact us for a free initial consultation. We can assist you with Medical Negligence, Motor Vehicle Claims or Workplace Injuries.
K&K Compensation Lawyers Redfern
162 Redfern St
Redfern NSW 2016
(02) 8385 1451
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